Ways to Give at Broad Street United Methodist Church

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.     2 Corinthians 9:7
6 Easy  Ways to Give
1.  Give on Sunday at Broad Street United Methodist Church
You can give on Sunday using your assigned numbered envelopes.  Whether or not you are a member of BSUMC, if you would like an envelope number assigned to you, please put a request in the offering plate.  Using envelopes with your number on them allows the Financial Secretary to provide you with a statement of giving each year for tax reporting purposes.  If you have an assigned envelope number, please include it on any gift you give BSUMC so that gift is included on your giving statement (regardless of which method you use to donate).  If you do not have an assigned envelope number, please include your name/address on your gift so that we can acknowledge it at the end of the year through our giving statements.
2.  Give through PayPal
Great news!   We can now accept PayPal for donations!  One more way to make it convenient for you to contribute to the ministry of Broad Street!  Thank you for supporting us!

PayPal Donation Link

3.  Give online at www.broadstumc.org with your credit card
We are pleased to offer the opportunity to give online.  If you have an envelope number, be sure to include it in the comments on the giving form.
4.  Give by mailing your gift during the week
You can mail your Sunday giving envelope during the week to Broad Street UMC.  You can also utilize your bank’s bill pay service to have checks automatically cut and mailed to BSUMC.  Please include your envelope number as your account number so that your statement of giving can appropriately reflect your gift.
5.  Give by dropping off your gift during the week.
You can drop off your gift in the church office during normal office hours or put your envelope through the slot in the front door.
6.  Give through the automatic bank debit option.
Set up Broad Street UMC through your bank’s electronic bill pay option.  This option allows you to set up monthly or bimonthly gifts to BSUMC.  Use this convenient option to ensure your pledged gift gets to BSUMC even on those occasions when you can’t.