We have a blended style of worship service.  This means that we blend aspects of a traditional worship service with aspects of a contemporary service.
We have a praise band that helps to lead worship occasionally, and on those Sundays, we might sing more contemporary songs.  We try to include both ‘old favorites’ as well as newer songs in our worship service to appeal to as many people as possible.
Our service generally consists of a greeting and announcements, followed by a call to worship and an opening hymn.  We have a children’s sermon for the children (except for the first Sunday of month) after which the children up to 6 years old can leave for ‘children’s church’ in our staffed toddler room or return to their seats to stay with their parents.
We follow that with prayers of the people and our offering.  We will have the choir sing, scripture read and a sermon preached.  Finally we’ll have a closing hymn and benediction.
Our service is outlined in our weekly bulletin which is handed out on your way into the sanctuary.  In it you’ll find the congregational prayers as well as any other readings in which the congregation has a part.   The hymn numbers of the songs we’re singing are included in the bulletin.  Songs with three-digit numbers are in the red United Methodist Hymnal in the pews.  Songs with four-digit numbers starting with 2000 are in the Faith We Sing songbooks which are smaller black-covered books also in the pews.
Bible verses are often read by lay-readers and you can follow along if you’d like in the pew Bible (found in the rack on the back of the pew in front of you and next to the hymnals).
Our service usually lasts about an hour.  During the ‘school year’ (the Sunday following Labor Day through the 2nd Sunday in June), our Sunday School classes for all ages (toddlers through senior citizens) begin at 9:45 AM and last an hour.  Then at 11:00 AM our worship service begins.  In the summer (Father’s Day Sunday in June through the Sunday of Labor Day weekend) our worship service begins at 10:00 AM and we don’t have Sunday School.
We have a Safe Sanctuary policy (available on the website) which outlines the safety precautions we take for both our children and our teachers.